Case Management

About the Program

Case managers can support clients to navigate parts of the social system that impact on their quality of life. This could be in areas of: education, employment, housing, income supports (Ontario Works, ODSP), legal and immigration. Services may include:

  • Support in navigating various systems – education, legal, immigration, housing, employment, pregnancy and parenting supports
  • Engagement with CAS
  • Referrals to other community organizations and government services.
  • Help with completing applications/forms
  • Some accompaniments to key appointments.


Individuals who are:

  • Homeless
  • Indigenous
  • Low income
  • Underhoused
  • Unemployed
  • Immigrants and refugees
  • Seniors
  • Individuals living with mental health and substance use issues

Languages of Service

English, with interpretation available as needed

Dates & Hours

Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm *some evening hours available


  • Parkdale Site: For Registered Clients
  • Queen West: 416-703-8482 x 2106

Catchment Area

There is no catchment restriction if you are homeless or indigenous.

For all other groups, the catchment area is the boundaries of Parkdale Queen West CHC: Yonge/Lakeshore/Bloor/Parkside

Philosophy / Approaches

Our case managers work from an anti-racist, anti-oppression, harm reduction, and trauma-informed approach.