Youth Programs: Youth Case Management

About the Program

Our Case Manager can assist youth (16-29) in navigating various parts of the social system. This could be information and support in accessing: education, employment, housing, income supports, legal and immigration. Our case manager can also offer support in building life skills and advocating with you.

Additional supports are available for pregnant individuals and young parents.


  • Youth 16-29 who may be homeless, or couch surfing with friends, low income, in or out of school, living with emotional and mental health issues and/or substance use.
  • Youth immigrants or refugees

Languages of Service


Dates & Hours

  • Monday – Friday   9am – 5 pm (appointments)
  • Youth Drop In hours for case management at Queen West site
  • Wednesdays   4pm – 6pm


  • Queen West: 416-703-8482

Catchment Area

Homeless and indigenous youth are not bound by catchment area.

Philosophy / Approaches

Anti-racist/anti oppression , harm reduction, trauma informed