About the Program
Anonymous HIV testing is offered on an appointment or drop-in basis 5 days a week, it is open to all members of the general public, you do not need to be a patient of the centre or have a OHIP card to receive an anonymous rapid HIV test. You may be asked to provide a name and a telephone number, however as the testing is anonymous, you do not need to provide us with your real or full name. It is helpful to provide a telephone number in case we need to contact you i.e. if the HIV Testing Clinic is cancelled the day of your appointment, but it is not required. You can book online here, or leave a voicemail at 416-703-8482 ext. 2448, someone will get back to your voicemail within 24 hours during weekdays. If you leave a voicemail over the weekend, we will get back to you by the end of the day on Monday.
We also offer pre-and post-test counselling, free safer sex materials (condoms and lube), harm reduction materials (needles, safer crack use supplies), information and referrals.
Please note, that this testing is only for HIV, we do not currently provide full STBBI testing for the general public, but referrals can be made.
PQW has just launched self-test kits, these kits are available at both the Parkdale and Queen West Sites. These test kits are free and gives you a choice to self-test anywhere, anytime and with whom you choose to. Speak to a staff member at the front desks of Parkdale and Queen West Sites about the self-test kits.