Detail on Nail Salon Workers Project

About the Program

This program aims to learn about and reduce the negative health impacts of working in nail salons, and advocate for healthy and just work environments for nail technicians.


Languages of Service

English, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese

Dates & Hours



Additional Information

Our ongoing work is supporting nail technicians in forming a Nail Technician Network (NTN) and chairing the Healthy Nail Salon Network. The NTN was identified as a need by nail technicians as a way to unite, educate and engage workers in this career. The intention is to take on issues such as: choosing a salon to work at, informing the public about healthy salon standards, protecting your health at work, training opportunities and workplace rights.

The Healthy Nail Salon Network (HNSN) is a collection of nail technicians, salon owners, non-profit and government agencies, and researchers looking to improve the health and safety of nail salons. We have taken our lead from the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative and the New York Healthy Nail Salon Coalition, and continue to learn from their work and successes. Please visit our Facebook page: Healthy Nail Salon Network – Facebook page.


Click here to access Resources For Nail Technicians

Watch the Voices of Strength Video below: