Suggestions and Complaints

Your opinion matters!

  • If you have an idea regarding how we can improve our services, please let us know.
  • If you have an idea for a program we should offer, please send it to us.
  • If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Queen West will make every effort to resolve any and all complaints in a fair, respectful and timely manner. To view details of the Client Complaint Policy, click on the link below:

Client Complaint Policy

The Client Complaint Policy is also available in accessible formats; please inform staff if such supports are needed.

  • Accessible Print
  • Sign Language Interpretation
  • Audio Description

Interpretation support is available if you wish to receive the policy in a language other than English.

If you have any questions or need help understanding the policy, please speak to a staff member at the Centre or call 416.703.8482 ext. 2100.

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