Privacy Statement & Client Complaint Policy

Circumstances in Which Personal Health Information Might be Disclosed

Protecting Your Privacy

Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre (Parkdale Queen West CHC) is committed to protecting your personal health information. We protect your personal health information in accordance with the Ontario Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) and all other applicable laws. We take steps to protect your personal health information from theft, loss and unauthorized access, copying modification, use, disclosure and disposal. We conduct audits and investigations to monitor and manage our privacy compliance. We take steps to ensure that everyone who performs services for us protects your privacy. We collect and use the minimum amount of personal health information required to perform our duties involved with the provision of your health care and services or to facilitate your health care and services.

Collection of Personal Health Information

We collect personal health information about you directly from you or from the person acting on your behalf so that we can provide you with health care and services. The personal health information that we collect may include, for example, your name, date of birth, address, health history, records of your visits to Parkdale Queen West CHC, and the treatments and services that you receive during those visits. Occasionally, we may collect personal health information about you from other sources, such as diagnostic imaging facilities, laboratories or other agencies involved in your care and services, if we have obtained your consent, or if the law permits.

Uses and Disclosures of Personal Health Information

We May Use and Disclose Your Personal Health Information:

  • To provide you with health care and services, including sharing your health information with members within your circle of care. At Parkdale Queen West CHC we work in a team model where physicians, nurses, social workers, community workers and support staff are part of providing high quality services to you and to the community. Your personal health information may be shared amongst the members who are involved in your circle of care in order to be able to help you most effectively.
  • To get payment for your treatment and care (from OHIP, WSIB, your private health insurer, or others as the law permits).
  • To plan, administer and manage our operations.
  • To conduct risk management and quality improvement activities (such as client satisfaction surveys, complaint follow-up).
  • For teaching (such as staff training).
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law.

Your Choices

You may access and/or request that corrections be made to your personal health information. You may also withdraw your consent for some of the above uses and disclosures (subject to legal obligations) by contacting the Parkdale Queen West CHC’s designated privacy contact person.