Accreditation, Quality Improvement, and Accountability

Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre is accredited by the Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA). CCA is a national, not-for-profit organization offering accreditation specifically tailored to community-based health and social services across Canada. CCA accredited organizations are committed to quality and continuous improvement in the community-based health and social services they provide.

Accreditation is a voluntary process led by independent external reviewers. It is an opportunity to be evaluated against national standards of excellence and best practices in the health and social service sector to strengthen our systems and processes, foster a culture of learning across our organization, and help our Centre successfully integrate leading practices.

Quality Improvement

Ontario’s inter-professional, team-based primary care organizations are required to submit annual Quality Improvement Plans (QIP) to Health Quality Ontario. A QIP is a formal commitment to quality improvement, aligned with system and provincial priorities.


Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement

Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (M-SAA) is an accountability agreement delineating accountabilities and performance expectations. M-SAA clarifies responsibility of health service providers for delivering on performance and also planning and integration towards development of health care systems. It brings into one document various contractual agreements between Community Health Service Providers (HSPs) and the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs).

Parkdale Queen West CHC signed M-SAA with Toronto Central LHIN.

To download Parkdale Queen West CHC Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement, please click here.