Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre
Client Experience Survey 2023

Mass Mail Reached

Survey Available in English, French, Hungarian, Spanish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese

3,390 clients / 383 responses

Positive Impact on Your Community—81% Always/Often, 12.3% Don’t know/Not sure, 3% Rarely/Never, 3.9% Sometimes | Rating of Care/Services Received—78% Excellent/Very Good, 19% Good/Fair, 3% Poor/Not Good

Primary Health Care

92% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied More

Dental Services Queen West

79% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied More

Counselling and Mental Health

86% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied More

Health Promotion

92% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied More

Harm Reduction

92% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied More

What We Do Well

Welcoming and respectful environment

Accessible, inclusive, non-judgemental, non-stigmatizing care

Excellent primary and allied healthcare service

Interdisciplinary communication and internal/external referrals

Services address the needs of the community

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Areas to Improve

Phone and email communication with PQWCHC

Appointment availability

Wait time in clinic

More in-person groups/programs

Longer-term mental health services

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What We Do Well

comfortable & welcomed

87% Always/Often

treated with dignity & respect

91% Always/Often

Mental Health

50% Good/Fair | 40% Excellent/Very Good | 9% poor

Overall Physical Health

48% Good/Fair | 44% Excellent/Very Good | 9% poor

Care and Services

91% excellent/very good

How often does your health care provider explain things in a way that is easy to understand?

93% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied | 6% Somewhat dissatisfied/Not satisfied

How often does your health care provider give you the opportunity to ask questions?

91% Always/often | 8% Sometimes

Medical/Health Care Services

  • Providers are approachable, accessible, and available
  • Non-judgmental and understanding of needs
  • Feel safe and comfortable
  • Concerns are listened to and validated, not dismissed
  • Ability to ask questions and get answers
  • Providers are kind, compassionate, and respectful
  • Staff are professional and knowledgeable
  • Referrals to specialists/other providers when needed
  • Health care for the whole family
  • Feel included and have autonomy in care and treatment options
  • Information communicated in a detailed way that is easy to understand
  • Thorough and comprehensive care — never feel rushed
  • Ability to access range of health care services in one place
  • Treated as an individual — other needs considered, not just medical ones
  • Access to gender-affirming care

Dental Services

  • Affordability
  • Easily accessible
  • Free services for seniors
  • Communicate with clients
  • Good service
  • Kind and kids don’t get scared
  • Advice on other low-cost services
79% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied | 12% Access this service
69% Access this services | 86% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied

Mental Health Services

  • Understanding, empathetic, non-judgmental
  • Resourceful and community connected
  • 4 Winds individual counselling
  • Great at listening
  • Virtual services
  • Got connected quickly from point of referral
  • Services available when needed most and were life saving
  • Case management
  • Regular appointments
  • Services are free
  • Useful strategies to help keep calm and manage anger

Health Promotion Programs

  • 5Ps staff and resources
  • Breastfeeding support
  • GST — important information especially for the first-time parent
  • 4 Winds — case manager, culturally appropriate programs
  • Kids nutrition program promotes healthy eating/snacks
  • Seniors Drop-in
  • Learning to cook and eat healthier meals
  • Women of Wonder
  • Important way to get involved with the community and reduce social isolation and loneliness
80% Access this service | 92% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied
92% Very satisfied/Fairly satisfied | 10% Access this service

Harm Reduction Programs

  • Saving people’s lives
  • Understanding, non-judgmental staff who love their jobs
  • Staff are inclusive and compassionate
  • Programming
  • Groups
  • Very educational, helpful and convenient
  • Staff are readily available
  • Open to anyone who need it
  • That they exist and are made a priority
  • Super knowledgeable and kind staff
  • Friendly and open to suggestions
  • Treated not like an addict but like a human being
  • SOS & SCS
  • Accessibility
  • Supplies always available

Areas to Improve

Upcoming Improvements

Improved phone and email communication with PQWCHC

  • Launched: A new phone system and testing methods to reduce phone wait times.
  • This year: Online messaging platform for registered clients of PQWCHC will be launched.
  • Updating: Our website and social media platforms to better provide needed information to clients

Increased Appointment Availability

  • Implemented daily RN same-day triage
  • Increased availability of same-day urgent care appointment slots with an MD/NP

Decreased wait time in clinic

  • Measuring wait times in clinic to determine if there are particular dates/times/providers where long waits occur.

More in-person groups/programs

  • Restarted in person and hybrid groups and we are steadily increasing group and program options

Longer-term mental health services

  • Funded for short-term counselling services and refer elsewhere for long-term mental health needs.
  • Added a counselling intake worker in order to best assess needs of clients coming into counselling as well as better explain to clients the model of counselling we practice.

How often are you able to get an appointment on the day you need?

24.5% Always | 29% Often | 25% Sometimes | 14%  Rarely | 14% Never